How to stand up to power: Judicial Review & the Human Rights Act

How can I stand up to power? Find out more about using the Human Rights Act 1998 and judicial review to challenge unlawful decisions, actions and inaction of the state.

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Disclaimer: this article is for general information. It’s not intended to be used as legal advice. For information on how to get legal advice, please see our page here.

If you think a public authority has acted unlawfully or violated your rights, you may be able to challenge their decisions, actions, or inaction.

You can only use the Human Rights Act and judicial review to challenge the decisions, actions or inaction of ‘public authorities’.

Public authorities include:

Note also that some private bodies that are performing a ‘public function’ will be regarded as a ‘public authority’, including:

Public authorities do not include:

You can do this by using these two crucial tools:

Below we provide information on what these tools are and when you can use them.

Judicial review

What is judicial review?

Judicial review is a type of legal challenge that you can bring against a public authority. It’s where you ask a judge to look at the lawfulness of their decision, action or inaction. The judge looks at the way the decision was made, not the decision itself.

Who can use judicial review? Having sufficient interest

To bring a judicial review, you must show you have ‘sufficient interest’ in what the public authority has done (or hasn’t done). Normally this means you can challenge something that personally affects you or your community.

An organisation may also be able to bring a judicial review in relation to a decision, action or inaction that has wider public importance.

When can I use judicial review?

Reasons for using judicial review

You can use judicial review to challenge the lawfulness of a decision, action or inaction for various reasons, including:

What are the possible outcomes of a judicial review?

If your judicial review is successful, a judge may decide (they can choose) to grant a range of remedies, including:

How to bring a judicial review claim

To bring a judicial review, you need to fill in a judicial review claim form (‘N461’).

You then need to file the form (send by post or bring it in person) at the relevant court building.

Because judicial review is a complex type of legal claim and some sections of the form require detailed legal knowledge, we strongly advise that you find a lawyer with expertise in public law (see below).

Human Rights Act

What is the Human Rights Act?

The Human Rights Act 1998 allows you to enforce your rights under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) in the UK, by:

Using the Human Rights Act

Who can use the Human Rights Act?