Name Change for Adults

If you are a resident of Lake County, have lived in the county for at least six (6) months, and are not required to register under the Sex Offender Registration Act (730 ILCS 150/1), you can petition the court to change your name.

Obtain Forms

Obtain and complete the following forms on the Lake County Circuit Clerk website under the section titled "Name Change":

File Your Forms & Schedule a Hearing

File your forms in the Circuit Clerk’s office. Your Request for Name Change (Adult) has to be notarized prior to filing. The Clerk requires a filing fee in cash, money order, or credit card. No personal checks are accepted. The Circuit Clerk will give you a date to appear in court to hear your Request for Name Change (Adult). This date can be any day Monday through Thursday at 9:00 am or 1:30 pm.

Publish Your Intention to Change Your Name

Next, you have to publish your intention to change your name in a newspaper of general circulation in Lake County. The Circuit Clerk’s office will forward your Notice of Publication to the newspaper. There is a publication cost, which the newspaper will contact you about, or you can contact the newspaper. The Notice has to be published for three consecutive weeks after the Request for Name Change (Adult) is filed, with the first insertion at least six weeks before your court date. After publication is completed, the newspaper will mail you a Certificate of Publication. Make sure you bring this Certificate with you to the Court hearing.

Court Day

On the day of your court hearing, plan to arrive at the assigned courtroom at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time. Check-in with the Clerk in the courtroom, and your case will be called by the judge. After court, you will be instructed to return to the Circuit Clerk’s office to obtain certified copies of your Name Change Decree. The fee is $6.00 for the first copy and $15.00 for each additional copy.

Obtaining a New Birth Certificate

To change an Illinois birth record by court order to your new name, send the following to:

a) A completed and notarized State of Illinois Affidavit and Certificate of Correction Request.
b) A certified copy of the Name Change Decree.
c) A copy of a non-expired, government issued photo ID of the person requesting the correction.
d) Documentation required to complete the correction requested.
Please visit Correct Birth Certificate | IDPH ( for more information concerning the types of documents needed.
e) Check or money order for $15.00 (payable to the IL Dept. of Public Health).

If you have any additional questions on obtaining a corrected birth certificate, contact the Division of Vital Records (information above).

Born Outside of Illinois

If you were born outside of Illinois, contact the office that keeps the birth records in the state in which you were born to find out the proper procedures and fees.