Creating a team through your Spartan Account is quick and easy!
You can also track your team stats, participate in teams (that are not just tied to your event-level participation), and connect with your Spartan community like never before!
In this article:
After you have registered for an event you can create or join a team using your Spartan Account.
So, you joined a team to run together at an event, but now you've changed your mind. Here's how you leave your team to run solo or join another team for the event.
Have a friend you're trying to convince to join you at the start line? Invite them to get registered and join your team for that event!
Managing your team affiliations can be done in the "Teams" tab of your Spartan Account.
Here you can find and manage all of your current teams, join another team, or create a new team.
You can be a member of many teams at once, but for EACH EVENT you will need to choose whether you're running with a team FOR THAT EVENT, or not.
Joe De Sena loves to keep track of his stats. He's joined 3 teams:
1) Spartans of Greece
2) Mud Lovers United
3) Burpee Club
Every time that Joe D. finished a race, his individual stats update in his personal Spartan Account profile, as well as added to the team stats for any team he's a part of. He's in a friendly competition with his friends in the Burpee Club on who can run the fastest Sprint in 2021.
However, if Joe D. wants to have the same start time as his friends at any specific event (let's say the Killington, Vermont Beast), Joe will need to choose a team and add it to his ticket for that specific event. This lets Spartan HQ know that we need to adjust your start time to be with the members of your team for that specific event.
You can create a team for the purpose of running together at a specific event, or you can create a team with your friends to track your stats across many events.
To create a NEW team:
So you chose an epic team name, and added some details and background pictures - now it's time to invite your friends!
All team members can have one role/permission level on the team: Owner, Captain, or Member.
Owner is the person who creates a team.
Their avatars are marked with a crown icon. Each team can have only one Owner.
Captain is a person trusted by the owner to help manage the team.
Their avatars are marked with a star icon. Each team can have multiple captains.
Member is a person who has joined a team, but has no admin capabilities.
Owners and Captains can manage individual team members by clicking the "three dots" icon on the right side of the member in the team leaderboard. Owners and captains can choose to Promote to captain, Pass team Ownership or Remove an athlete from the team.