5 Favorite Parent Teacher Conference Forms

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Ok… I’m just popping in super quick today. I’m actually knee-deep in parent-teacher conferences as I type this. Now, I’ve shared about Parent-Teacher Conferences in the past, but today I wanted to share a quick look at a few of my favorite parent-teacher conference forms. These Parent-teacher conference forms will not only help you get organized but also streamline the process of scheduling and conducting conferences.

parent teacher conference forms

Parent Teacher Conference Form #1- General Sign Up

Ok… this first form is super low tech, but through the years, I keep returning to it again and again! It is this simple Parent Teacher Conference sign up form.

Now, this isn’t the actual place where parents sign up for conferences. Instead, parents share their best availability times for future conferences. I like to put this form out at Open House and parents can share which time frames work best for them.

Then, when I’m ready to schedule conferences, I refer back to the form. Mornings work best? Then I’ll shoot for a morning time slot request. Phone calls at mid-day? Let’s do a plan-time conference. I find using this as a guide helps cut down on rescheduling tremendously.

Conference Form #2- Conference Request Form

This next form is a *bit* low tech. Still, it works well for me as I can schedule every student for a parent teacher conference time and reschedule as needed instead of harassing parents to sign up on the Sign Up Genius.

conference request forms

To use, go through your calendar and pick set days and times for conferences. Then, use the conference scheduler page to schedule ALL your students for conferences. Refer back to the General Sign Up form you put out at Open House to make sure you’re meeting parents at their preferred times.

From there, fill out the conference request form. I like to print these on blue paper and staple them into the students’ planners so parents can see it right away.

If the time works, parents check the box and send it back.

If there’s a scheduling conflict, the parents can sign back a day and time that works for them. Now, only a few times has it happened that the date and time they send back isn’t available to meet (IE: have another conference scheduled), so for those times, I just call the parent and discuss alternative days/times.

Parent Teacher Conference Form #3- Parent Questionnaire

So you have your conferences scheduled, but what will you talk about? What questions do the parents have?

This is where this simple parent questionnaire comes into play.

parent questionnaire for conference

Once you’ve confirmed your day and time, send this sheet home as a reminder a few days before your conference. This gets parents thinking about questions or thoughts to discuss during our conference time.

The parent keeps the top half as their reminder and send back the answer part. I use that to add to my conference forms before we meet.

Conference Form #4-Student Questionnaire

Now, if you’re really wanting to add some student voice into your conferences, I also suggest having the students fill out a Student Questionnaire. This is perfect for setting the stage for a student led conference.

Conference Form #5- Parent Teacher Conference Form

We’re all set for the conference, now where will you put everything you talk about? On this streamlined Conference form, of course!

conference form- record of conference form for parent teacher conference

This editable conference form is structured to show information and conversation and helps guide the conference structure. You can add more information in there if you like!

Before the conference, take the time to fill out pertinent information like student’s grades and relevant test scores. Don’t forget to add in some of those positive traits, too, like being a good friend or a talented artist!

As you confer with parents, you can add key points of your conversation to the form.

At the end of the conference, print out two copies: one for you to have the parents sign and one for the parents to keep!

Parent Teacher Conference Forms

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Love all these forms mentioned in this post? You can grab these and 70 other forms that are perfect for back to school and beyond! This pack includes editable and digital versions of the parent conference forms suggested in the post AND tons of others. Check them out here!

Favorite Parent Teacher Conference Forms

So those are five of my favorite Parent Teacher Conference forms. I know some seem pretty low tech in a high tech world, but they truly help to streamline the process. From first scheduling conferences to actually sitting down with parents, these forms will help keep you organized as you run through your parent teacher conferences this season!

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