

Abstract : Simple low cost automation control with rugged reliability and flexibility is the real need in today’s industrial world. Frequent failure of costly & complex proprietary OEM Hardware for Human Machine Interface (HMI) results in raise of Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) and there by affects productivity and quality in any manufacturing unit. Proprietary OEM hardware’s for Human Machine Interface (HMI) cannot be serviced by maintenance personals in the field and many times even by OEM’s service team. This leads to having costly spares and huge inventory in any typical industry. This paper discusses a novel idea to develop a SCADA application (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) using user friendly software like LABVIEW and low cost field serviceable Human Machine Interface that is a Personal Computer. The complete conceptual information about the Communication with a Remote Terminal Unit (SIEMENS CPU 315) using MPI protocol, data transfer using a (IBH) OPC server and SCADA application development using LABVIEW installed in personal computer which can realize more than the intended result is explained in this paper. The idea discussed in this paper can result in development of a low cost alternative for proprietary OEM hardware’s and software’s thereby will result in low investment, less inventory, reduced MTTR, ease of operation etc.,

Cite this Research Publication : Banu Rekha B, Somasundaram Balasubramaniam, Darun SK "SCADA Application Development using LabVIEW", International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 3, Issue 2, 2013